Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Coping with Change: Develop Your Personal Strategy

Why do we resist change?

As the saying goes, the only people who like change are busy cashiers and wet babies. We find change disorienting, creating within us an anxiety similar to culture shock, the unease visitors to an alien land feel because of the absence of the familiar cues they took for granted back home. With an established routine, we don't have to think! And thinking is hard work.

Change is a business fact of life

Is your company is currently undergoing major changes that will affect the lives of all of its employees? These changes are probably in response to the evolving needs of your customers. They are made possible because of improvements in telecommunications and digital technology. They are likely guided by accepted principles and practices of total quality management. And you can expect that they will result in significant improvements profitability--a success that all employees will share. Because our customers' needs are NOW, we must make changes swiftly, which means that all of us must cooperate with the changes, rather than resist them.

How do we resist change?

We tend to respond to change the same way we respond to anything we perceive as a threat: by flight or fight. Our first reaction is flight--we try to avoid change if we can. We do what futurist Faith Popcorn calls "cocooning": we seal ourselves off from those around us and try to ignore what is happening. This can happen in the workplace just by being passive. We don't volunteer for teams or committees; we don't make suggestions, ask questions, or offer constructive criticism. But the changes ahead are inescapable. Those who "cocoon" themselves will be left behind.

Even worse is to fight, to actively resist change. Resistance tactics might include negativity, destructive criticism, and even sabotage. If this seldom happens at your company, you are fortunate.

Take a different approach to change

Rejecting both alternatives of flight or flight, we seek a better option--one that neither avoids change nor resists it, but harnesses and guides it.

Change can be the means to your goals, not a barrier to them.

Both fight and flight are reactions to perceiving change as a threat. But if we can change our perceptions, we can avoid those reactions. An old proverb goes, "Every change brings an opportunity." In other words, we must learn to see change as a means of achieving our goals, not a barrier preventing us from reaching them.

Another way of expressing the same thought is: A change in my external circumstances provides me with an opportunity to grow as a human being. The greater the change is, the greater and faster I can grow. If we can perceive change along these lines, we will find it exciting and energizing, rather than depressing and debilitating.

Yet this restructuring of our perspective on change can take some time. In fact, coping with change follows the same steps as the grieving process.1 The steps are shock and denial that the old routine must be left behind, then anger that change is inevitable, then despair and a longing for the old ways, eventually replaced by acceptance of the new and a brighter view of the future. Everyone works through this process; for some, the transition is lightning fast, for others painfully slow.

Realize your capacity to adapt.

As one writer put it recently:

Our foreparents lived through sea changes, upheavals so cataclysmic, so devastating we may never appreciate the fortitude and resilience required to survive them. The next time you feel resistant, think about them and about what they faced--and about what they fashioned from a fraction of the options we have. They blended old and new worlds, creating family, language, cuisine and new life-affirming rhythms, and they encouraged their children to keep on stepping toward an unknown but malleable future.2

Human beings are created remarkably flexible, capable of adapting to a wide variety of environments and situations. Realizing this can help you to embrace and guide change rather than resisting or avoiding it.

Develop a coping strategy based on who you are.

Corporate employees typically follow one of four decision-making styles: analytical, directive, conceptual, and behavioral. These four styles, described in a book by Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason,3 have the following characteristics:

Analytical Style technical, logical, careful, methodical, needs much data, likes order, enjoys problem-solving, enjoys structure, enjoys scientific study, and enjoys working alone.

Conceptual Style creative and artistic, future oriented, likes to brainstorm, wants independence, uses judgment, optimistic, uses ideas vs. data, looks at the big picture, rebellious and opinionated, and committed to principles or a vision.

Behavioral Style supportive of others, empathetic, wants affiliation, nurtures others, communicates easily, uses instinct, avoids stress, avoids conflict, relies on feelings instead of data, and enjoys team/group efforts.

Directive Style aggressive, acts rapidly, takes charge, persuasive and/or is manipulative, uses rules, needs power/status, impatient, productive, single-minded, and enjoys individual achievements.

Read once more through these descriptions and identify which style best describes you. Then find and study the strategy people who share your style follow to cope with change:

Analytical coping strategy You see change as a challenging puzzle to be solved. You need plenty of time to gather information, analyze data, and draw conclusions. You will resist change if you are not given enough time to think it through.

Conceptual coping strategy You are interested in how change fits into the big picture. You want to be involved in defining what needs to change and why. You will resist change if you feel excluded from participating in the change process.

Behavioral coping strategy You want to know how everyone feels about the changes ahead. You work best when you know that the whole group is supportive of each other and that everyone champions the change process. If the change adversely affects someone in the group, you will perceive change as a crisis.

Directive coping strategy You want specifics on how the change will affect you and what your own role will be during the change process. If you know the rules of the change process and the desired outcome, you will act rapidly and aggressively to achieve change goals. You resist change if the rules or anticipated results are not clearly defined.

Realizing what our normal decision-making style is, can enable us to develop personal change-coping tactics.

How can we cope with change?

1. Get the big picture. Sometimes, not only do we miss the forest because of the trees, but we don't even see the tree because we're focused on the wood. Attaining a larger perspective can help all of us to cope with change, not just the conceptualists. The changes underway at my company are clearly following at least four important trends, which I believe are probably reflective of businesses in general:

Away from localized work toward network-based work,

Away from a feast-or-famine working environment toward a routinely busy working environment,

Away from site-limited approaches toward approaches that are consistent company-wide, and

Away from vertical, top-down management toward a more horizontal management structure, with shared accountability.

Getting at least this much comprehension of the big picture will help us to understand where each of us fits.

2. Do some anchoring. When everything around you is in a state of flux, it sure helps to find something stable that isn't going to change, no matter what. Your company's values (whether articulated or not) can provide that kind of stability for you. Ours include the Company Family, Focus on the Customer, Be Committed to Quality, and Maintain Mutual Respect. These values are rock-solid; they are not going to disappear or rearrange themselves into something else. Plus, each of us has personal values that perhaps are even more significant and permanent. Such immovables can serve as anchors to help us ride out the storm.

3. Keep your expectations realistic. A big part of taking control of the change you experience is to set your expectations. You can still maintain an optimistic outlook, but aim for what is realistically attainable. That way, the negatives that come along won't be so overwhelming, and the positives will be an adrenaline rush. Here are some examples:

There will be some bumps along the road. We shouldn't expect all of the changes ahead to be painless, demanding only minimal sacrifice, cost, or effort. In fact, we should expect some dead ends, some breakdowns in communications, and some misunderstandings, despite our best efforts to avoid them. We may not be able to anticipate all of the problems ahead, but we can map out in general terms how we will deal with them.

Not everyone will change at the same rate. The learning rates of any employees will distribute themselves along a bell curve. A few will adapt rapidly, most will take more time, and a few will adjust gradually. Also, many younger employees may find change, especially technological innovations, easier than those older. The reason may be, as one observer explains, "Older people's hard disks are fuller."4 On the other hand, you may find some younger ones surprisingly reluctant to take on a new challenge.

The results of change may come more slowly than we would want. As participants in an "instant society," conditioned by the media to expect complex problems to reach resolution in a 60-minute time frame, we may find the positive results of change slow to arrive from the distant horizon. If we are aware of this, we won't be so disappointed if tomorrow's results seem so similar to today's.

4. Develop your own, personal change tactics. Get plenty of exercise, plenty of rest, and watch your diet. Even if you take all the right steps and follow the best advice, undergoing change creates stress in your life, and stress takes energy. Aware of this, you can compensate by taking special care of your body.

Invest time and energy in training. Sharpen your skills so that you can meet the challenges ahead with confidence. If the training you need is not available through Bowne, get it somewhere else, such as the community college or adult education program in your area.

Get help when you need it. If you are confused or overwhelmed with the changes swirling around you, ask for help. Your supervisor, manager, or coworkers may be able to assist you in adjusting to the changes taking place. Your human resources department and any company-provided counseling services are other resources available to you.

Make sure the change does not compromise either your company values or your personal ones. If you are not careful, the technological advances jostling each other for your attention and adoption will tend to isolate you from personal contact with your coworkers and customers. E-mail, teleconference, voice-mail, and Intranet can make us more in touch with each other, or they can keep us antiseptically detached, removed from an awareness that the digital signals we are sending reach and influence another flesh-and-blood human being.

Aware of this tendency, we must actively counteract the drift in this direction by taking an interest in people and opening up ourselves to them in return. We have to remember to invest in people--all of those around us--not just in technology.

The "new normalcy"

Ultimately, we may discover that the current state of flux is permanent. After the events of September 11, Vice President Richard Cheney said we should accept the many resultant changes in daily life as permanent rather than temporary. "Think of them," he recommended, "as the 'new normalcy.'"

You should take the same approach to the changes happening at your workplace. These are not temporary adjustments until things get "back to normal." They are probably the "new normalcy" of your life as a company. The sooner you can accept that these changes are permanent, the better you can cope with them all--and enjoy their positive results.


1. Nancy J. Barger and Linda K. Kirby, The Challenge of Change in Organizations: Helping Employees Thrive in the New Frontier (Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publ., 1995). This source is summarized in Mary M. Witherspoon, "Coping with Change," Women in Business 52, 3 (May/June 2000): 22-25.

2. Susan Taylor, "Embracing Change," Essence (Feb. 2002): 5.

3. Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason, Managing with Style: A Guide to Understanding, Assessing and Improving Decision-Making (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Management Series, 1987) cited in Witherspoon, "Coping with Change."

4. Emily Friedman, "Creature Comforts," Health Forum Journal 42, 3 (May/June 1999): 8-11. Futurist John Naisbitt has addressed this tendency in his book, High tech/high touch: Technology and our search for meaning (New York: Random House, 1999). Naisbitt co-wrote this book with his daughter Nana Naisbitt and Douglas Philips.

Steve Singleton has been a book editor, newspaper reporter, news editor, and public relations consultant. He has taught college courses, seminars, and workshops in 11 states and the Caribbean. Currently he is a communications coordinator and corporate trainer for a large printing company.Audi Blog81944
Alejandra Blog85920

Relax In City Of Thrill, Orlando Florida with Vacation Rental

Disney world and amusement parks are the feature of Orlando, Florida which make it the most popular and preferred vacation destination. It provides a full fledge package of adventure, thrills, entertainment and relaxation. Though all are important element while holidaying but the most important is relaxation as the person goes out on holiday just to get relax and to take a break from his daily routine work. Hotels are also a good option for accommodation as they also offer all the luxuries but they are stuffy and offer no privacy. So, its better to stay in Orlando Florida vacation rental as they are more spacious.

Not only spacious but Orlando Florida vacation rental offers cost effectiveness as the vacation rental are less expensive than any hotel. On the other hand, Orlando Florida vacation rental serves all the amenities of a house which creates a perfect environment of home. In Orlando Florida vacation rental, the person can relax in the living room while watching television or taking a view from the terrace which refresh the body, soul and mind. Even, a person can cook in the fully furnished kitchen for his partner, friends and family. Along with such homely environment the person also gets an opportunity to explore adventure around it that is from golfing to tennis courts, swimming pool to fishing etc.

Orlando Florida vacation rental are available in different forms such as villas, apartments, bungalow, small cottages etc. These are also available in different sizes and at different location. Their price or cost varies as per its size and location and the person must choose which suits his budget and needs.

Today there are number of agencies and travel agents who arrange the trip to Orlando Florida and also book a vacation rental as per the preference of the person. The person also has an alternative to get all the information regarding vacation rental in Orlando Florida. The best and easy way to locate the owner or traveling agency for vacation rental is through online mode. Through online, the person will come across number of offers for vacation rental in couple of minutes. And, finally, he will be only required to compare all offers and choose the most competitive one.

Orlando Florida vacation rental provides a best place of accommodating far from stuffed and expensive hotels but close to family, partner and friends. It is sure that accommodating at Orlando Florida vacation rentals, the person will be filled with number of memories which will become stories for his family members and friends.

Sylvestor Johnson is offering loan and rental advice for quite some time. He is working as financial consultant for ThinkRentals. To find Orlando Florida vacation rental, Cabin rentals, Condo rentals, Rental homes, Vacation rentals, Beach house vacation rentals at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit Blog66593
Anett Blog68683

Adding Homely Feelings With Your Adventure: Tahoe Vacation Rental

Lake Tahoe is one of the famous destinations for the adventure loving people. Waterskiing, wakeboarding, kayaking, swimming, canoeing, jet skiing, paddle boating, hiking, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, snowshoeing- all sorts of adventures one can enjoy at Tahoe. And Tahoe vacation rental abodes add a homely feeling with travelers adventure.

Tahoe vacation rental is the best option, wherein you can cherish your vacation in your own way. Unlike hotels, these vacation rental abodes have accented on travelers privacy and comfort. So, if you prefer holidaying in seclusion, then you can opt for Tahoe vacation rentals.

Location of Tahoe vacation Rental:

Many furnished apartments, villas, homes, bungalows are offered as vacation rentals. Some of these condos are set up on the shore of Lake Tahoe and some are located in the vicinity of ski resorts. Based on own choice, travelers generally choose these vacation abodes.

Size and Range of the abodes:

The most advantageous attribute of vacation rental abode is that these rentals abodes are available in various sizes and obviously for that, the rate of the condos also varies. So, at first, travelers need to decide with whom they travel. Some of the abodes are customized for romantic couples. If travelers are accompanied with their family, then they can opt for the vacation abodes that are specially made for families. Usually, keeping the number of team members in mind, travelers decide Lake Tahoe vacation rental homes.

Facilities available at the Tahoe vacation rental:

It wont be any exaggeration, if I say; at Tahoe vacation rental you will find your home. Outfitted with modern amenities, vacation rentals abodes in Lake Tahoe will make you think that you have come back your home. At these condos, you can use a kitchen, adorned with all necessary kitchen articles. Besides, well- furnished living room(s), dining hall, swimming pool, hot water facility, telephone, television, music system, and the internet, all you can access at these condos and for that, you need not spend much.

To get a profitable deal:

Some initiatives are required for getting a profitable deal. Many property dealers, companies etc. provide service in getting Tahoe vacation rental. You have to check the rates they offer and it will enable you in availing a Tahoe vacation rental at an attractive rate. You may contact with local property owners as well. These days, various companies offer packages including flight fare, car expenses and accommodation. These packages also can be profitable for you.

Sylvestor Johnson is offering loan and rental advice for quite some time. He is working as financial consultant for ThinkRentals. To find Apartment rentals, Tahoe vacation rental , Condo rentals, Rental homes, Vacation rentals, Beach house vacation rentals at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit http://www.thinkrentals.comAnallise Blog98955
Ailina Blog12546

How To Leverage Your Ebook Income

A common product to many marketing offers is an ebook, but not all ebooks are created equal. Once an ebook is written it can be sold or given away to promote another product or product line. Content can be written by you, or written by a ghostwriter for you, or you can purchase private label rights [PLR] on an existing ebook that you can modify, re-title and re-brand.

Ebooks are a good way to add value to a promotion. If you have written a new ebook then you can pick up some PLR ebooks to complement and increase the value of your offer.

Many of the ebooks bundled with promotions deliver content in ways that leave room for significant improvement. For example, some of the obvious features of a book are table of contents, headers or footers with page numbers, chapters with titles and sometimes sub-titles. If any of these hallmarks are missing from an ebook, then it can be improved.

If your product is too short to include the main traits of a book listed above, the terms booklet, report, or special report can be just as effective for promotion. Conversely, you can abstract content from PLR books or articles to supplement your project.

Although professional software and its use are essential to competitive advantage, it is not that expensive to hire a professional to package for you. Both money and time can be saved with a bit of planning to optimize your ebook profit potential. For the same price of some ebooks, you can purchase your own ebook income generator package from The difference is how and how much money is returned to you on your investment.

As a professional packager I am always upgrading my software and skills. Like anyone who wants to earn income, there is a learning curve to the tools of the trade. On the internet, it includes the hardware, software, and skills in their use that determines how well your business performs in your market niche or sub-niche. Although software is a common denominator, how it is used is as different as the people using it.

There are a many good reasons to hire someone else to do a job better, sooner, or just get it done. For example, I am not a bookkeeper but I do have the same software as my bookkeeper. I know enough about using it to generate reports, but the rest I pay her to do. On the other hand, Im a graphics specialist that uses most of the professional software on a daily basis. I manage my projects by sub-contracting surplus work to freelancers. This enables me to do as much work that comes my way while managing continual development of my business systems.

In my experience it is important to learn as much as you feel comfortable with about the tools of the trade because even if you dont use them on a daily basis yourself, you place yourself in the position of being a well informed buyer that understands enough of the technical jargon to make an informed purchase.

When I taught at the Pre-Press Institute, I would break the learning curve into lecture, lab, and experience. The lecture was a combination of reading to prepare, then watching and interacting in a demonstration. The lab time was spent learning how to do-it-yourself with immediate feedback to questions as they were asked. I explained experience as the combination of learning to learn, practice without the lab feedback, and on-the-job feedback from colleagues or clients. I have adapted many features of this training model for internet delivery. It is now available by membership to my online project workspace. It is just a few clicks away.

The next part of this article is titled 7 Ways To Increase Ebook Income Potential, and is available by subscription to my free weekly Business Builder Report.

Brian Hack - - economic analysis and content refinement for integrated marketing. Learn How to Create, Set Up and Market Your Own Information Product Empire. Subscribe today - Blog49832
Barbabra Blog46858

Bathroom Remodeling Donts - What Not To Do

Bathroom remodeling takes time, careful planning, and precise execution. The objective of a bathroom remodel is to upgrade the appearance of your bathroom with the latest bathroom fixtures, designs, and styles. However, bathroom remodeling can be a bit overwhelming. Even if you dont install your new fixtures and furnishings yourself, simply selecting that perfect bathroom vanity, sink, and mirror can be more complicate than you think, especially if youve never remodeled a bathroom before.

Below are a few tips on what NOT to do when remodeling your bathroom. Use these tips to avoid common mistakes and ensure that the look you intend for your bathroom is actually what turns out.

Bathroom Remodeling Tip #1: Dont Wing It

Some people think that remodeling a bathroom is a piece of cake and simply involves swapping out an old sink or vanity with a new one; however, because the bathroom involves plumbing, you need to carefully plan out your remodel. You need to make sure the new fixtures you select fit the space and the plumbing of your bathroom, or at least understand that rearranging the layout of your bathroom may involve rerouting some pipes (which is an arduous task). So, before you even think about the new vanity or sink you want to buy, establish the basic layout of your new bathroom. If the layout is staying the same, take note of the plumbing layout and keep that in mind when youre shopping for a new sink, toilet, or vanity. If youre rearranging a few items, draw out how you want your bathroom to look, measure everything to make sure your vision is realistic, and then see if you need to reroute any plumbing. In some cases, you wont know if your new bathroom layout will call for new plumbing to be installed, so call a plumber and get his/her professional opinion. After youve mapped everything out and established the basic layout of your new bathroom design, then you can start shopping for your new lavish bathroom furnishings.

Bathroom Remodeling Tip #2: Dont Buy the First Thing You See

The key to successfully remodeling your bathroom is to shop around. You never want to buy the first thing you find. If youre not already set on a specific vanity or sink design, go online and check out the latest bathroom furnishings. This way, youll get a better idea of the number of different styles available without having to leave your home. Shopping around will also give you the opportunity to comparison shop. Today, modern bathroom furnishings are more available and affordable than ever before. Thanks to wholesalers who purchase bathroom furnishings in bulk, you can get that elegant vessel sink youve always wanted at a price that wont bust your remodeling budget. Before you buy, you better shop around.

Bathroom Remodeling Tip #3: If Dont Know, Dont Install It Yourself

Getting a new toilet is a different experience from getting a new bed. With a bed, you pay the extra $50 to get it delivered and put in your home. However, with a toilet, getting it delivered and put in your home is only the beginning. Bathroom remodeling almost always involves plumbing work. Even if you arent rerouting pipes or drainage systems, installing new bathroom fixtures (such as a toilet, sink, and faucet) takes a little plumbing know-how. However, not all of us are as handy as we would like to be. And when youre dealing with running water, its important to know how to properly uninstall and install bathroom fixtures. So, if youre a novice at plumbing, call a professional. Many bathroom remodeling shops offer installation with the purchase of their products (for an added fee) or know of plumbers in your area who can install your new bathroom fixtures for you. Either way, if youve never installed a toilet, sink, or faucet, or had a bad previous experience with plumbing, its worth the money to have your new bathroom furnishings installed right.

When it comes to bathroom remodeling, its very important to plan out your new layout, shop around, and install your new bathroom furnishings properly. Failing to do so could cost you more money in the long run and result in a less-than-perfect remodel.

Modern Bathroom offers the latest bathroom furnishings and fixtures at discount prices. From contemporary bathroom sinks to modern bathroom vanities, youll find the bathroom furnishings you need for less at http://www.modernbathroom.comBeth Blog15571
Celie Blog61846

Teens And Blogs - Internet Safety Wake-Up Call

In November of 2005, I read that a Roman Catholic high school in Sparta had ordered its students to remove personal blogs from the Internet, in the name of protecting them from cyberpredators. Which brings me to an important question, just how can you keep your child safe online?

The Internet is a "gateway" which leads the adult predator to your child. Parents need to recognize the need to better monitor their childrens online activity. I believe that websites like xanga, myspace, and livejournal, make it all too easy for sexual predators to prey on our children.

Children are vulnerable and they dont realize that anyone can and most likely is reading their blog entries. Both my children have blogs, however they are under moderation by both my husband and I. Frankly, as a parent of two teenagers I believe that it is up to us as parents to educate our children about the online dangers.

Children's blogs are a pedophiles playground, because of the easy ability to look into a childs world. As parents we can help our children stay safe while using a blog. For information about blogging safety please visit and

Regarding sites like hi5: I've received several invitations from hi5, but I never signed up until November 2005. It wasnt long before I was removing my account. I should have read the privacy policy before I registered.

It reads: hi5 collects personal information when you register, when you use hi5, when you visit hi5 pages or the pages of certain hi5 partners. hi5 may combine information about you that we have with information we obtain from business partners or other companies. Once you register with hi5 and sign in to our services, you are not anonymous to us. hi5 collects information about your transactions with us and with some of our business partners. hi5 automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser.

Basically, they have spyware.

Hi5 collects your Hotmail or yahoo address lists and contacts. Once you register there is an e-mail that is sent to everyone in your address book. This e-mail is sent without your permission.

The website also requests, your hotmail and yahoo password. I never gave my password, I was not that gullible. However hi5 was still able to gather my information and contact those listed in my address book. I finally was able to delete my account, through the instructions in their help file.

In my opinion, hi5 is even worse than xanga and myspace.

I encourage all parents, whose children have an account on hi5, to log into hi5 and delete their childrens account.

Too much personal information is being revealed on these websites, making it a haven for sexual predators. Parents need to wake up.

I for one, am very concerned with websites like hi5, MySpace, Xanga, DeadJournal, Blurty, etc that encourage children to post their photos and personal information.

I strongly suggest that if your child uses the computer and you have not been monitoring their activity, it is time that you found out just what they are doing.

You owe it to your children.

Rose DesRochers is a published poet and freelance writer. Rose has been writing poetry for more than 20 years. She is also the founder of, a supportive online writing community for men and women over 18. She is also the Assistant Administrator of This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.Ardyth Blog303
Catlaina Blog50059

How Much Debt is Too Much?

People have a certain threshold or tolerance for debt. Most of us can tolerate a little bit of debt. How much debt is all right? And when are you in over your head?

Most of the time, the decision that you have "too much debt" is made emotionally. That is, you have too much debt when you feel you have too much debt.

So why do some people panic over small debts but others sleep like babies even when they owe tens of thousands?

The answer is that people have an emotional sense of how much debt is acceptable. The danger is that this personal gauge is highly unreliable. You may have gotten it from your family situation, past experiences, or what you saw on TV or in the movies. Your debt style also involves your own maturity level and self control.

We also have an emotional response to what is unacceptable, which is sometimes called "hitting rock bottom." For some people, hitting rock bottom is having a car repossessed. For others, the repo man was a familiar character from childhood.

Hitting rock bottom may be the day you cannot make minimum payments, the day you lie to a spouse about an overdue bill, or the threat of impending homelessness. In other words, the emotional response and not the event itself is what defines a "hitting rock bottom" moment. One man's rock bottom is another man's standard of living.

So when is debt too much debt? On a purely emotional level, many people hit "rock bottom" when the first calls from bill collectors start to come.

Getting hounded by a professional bill collector is tough. Some people cope, but others find it embarrassing, humiliating, and shameful. For some people, it may take an intervention of friends or family members to drive home the point that the debt is getting out of control. Others may wait till they are evicted or sued.

So how much is too much debt?

First, it's not a question you should answer emotionally. Most entrepreneurs have nerves of steel when it comes to debt and financial risk taking, but most of them do not carry a lot of personal debt. So the amount of debt you can tolerate emotionally is not the governing factor; in fact, it should not even be taken into account.

Debt is financial and the only way to evaluate financial things is to look at the big financial picture.

Your financial report card is something called your "net worth." You can do a reasonably good snapshot of your own net worth without hiring an accountant or doing a bunch of fancy stuff. Just write down all of the money you owe. If you have credit cards, list all the balances. If you have loans, list all of them. If you have a mortgage, add that. Take all of these debts (the accountants would call these "liabilities") and add them together.

Now take everything you own. This includes the contents of any bank or investment accounts you have, your retirement account, stock portfolios, and so on. If you own a house (even if it's mortgaged), add the fair market value of the house. If you have vehicles (cars, boats) add them in. It is fair to add in the value of your furniture, electronics, and clothing, but be very conservative. It may have cost you thousands to build the wardrobe hanging in your closet, but it's doubtful you could convert it to very much cash. Don't count what you spent, count what you could get if you had to sell it today. Add everything together to get what accountants call your "assets."

Now subtract liabilities (what you owe) from your assets (what you own), and you have your net worth.

I hate to disillusion you, but the number should be positive. And it should be thousands.

There are some reasons for a low net worth. For those who are just starting out or those just starting over, your net worth may be low because you have not had chance to amass any assets. You may have just gone through a major medical disaster or other catastrophe. The other reason your net worth may be low is a lot of debt.

Now look at your income and your monthly bills. Don't worry about total debt here, just look at what you spend each month versus what you bring in. Take some pencil and paper time here. Does your out-go exceed your income? That's a debt-making machine. Until you turn this around, you're going to keep your debt growing which, in turn, will keep your net worth negative.

If you can't make minimum payments, if you are adding to your debt each month, or if you are really unsure of your financial states, you are probably in need of some financial help.

Certified credit counselors can help and there are lots of excellent books and programs on the market aimed at getting you debt-free. There are even free resources. For instance, your local banker can probably help you come up with a financial plan to manage your debt, including things like debt consolidation.

If you're wondering if you have too much debt, you probably do. One of the great financial secrets of the truly wealthy is this: no debt. It's possible for even ordinary people to live debt free.

The bill collector or the repo-man are not the first signs of debt problems; they are really symptoms of a prolonged period of too much debt. When the warning signals come, even if we are not rattled by them, we should take firm steps to dig ourselves out of debt. The difference between too much debt and being destroyed by debt are just a few missteps.

Jo Ann LeQuang writes about debt management solutions and is a frequent contributor to websites. For information on debt consolidation, check out .Bell Blog79140
Augustina Blog83130

Best Pet Health Insurance Policy

There is something that pet owner should know before you take the leap. All pet have wants needs and health issues just like human beings. When your pet is injured or ill, you may experience natural feelings of concern, as you would with other family members. In regards to pet health, you have to realize that it can be costly for veterinarian visits, so you may want to consider pet health insurance.

Pet insurance policies can cover a plethora of health needs for your pets, including, but not limited to:

* Treatments for accidents, cancer, and other illnesses.
* Protection against fleas, heartworm, and other vaccinations.
* Hospitalization, surgeries, MRI, CAT scans, and X-rays.
* Basics such as annual check ups, prescription medication, and even having your pets spayed or neutered.

Pet health insurance is always better for every pet owner because it covers all the related factors if any issue is there. Before going for any policy read all the informations in detail some may be offering you the same policy at lower interest rate. There are therefore many factors to consider when choosing pet insurance.

Get a quote as per your needs and carefully compare the prices, terms and conditions of each policy provider.

Consider your financial exposure in terms of any excess payable.

Choose the cover and premium level according to the type, age and condition of your pet. Consider any financial caps carefully

Pet are our responsibility and to take proper care of its health is also our responsibility which can not be ignored by pet owner we have to be very serious before buying pet. Pets are like our family member they cant say what they want or what they feel, and if they are ill it should be understood by the pet owner.

Anna Josephs is a freelance editor having experience of many years in writing articles and news releases on various topics related to health, automobile and social issues. Currently, she is working on To get more details on Pet Health Insurance, please visit . Please feel free to write feedback on this article. Anna Josephs can be contacted at Blog15960
Bee Blog31770

Adverse Credit No Hurdle in Availing Bad Credit Secured Home Loan

You get a secured home loan approved easily on the strength of your home being offered as security of the loan to the loan provider, but in cases where borrowers suffering from bad credit label, required finance is harder to avail. Bad credit secured home loan however gives loan very easily as it is mainly aimed at these borrowers labeled as bad credit in the loan market.

Bad credit secured home loan providers are ever willing to offer any amount of loan needed for different purposes. You can make good use of the loan in renovating home; clearing medical or educational bills, going to a holiday tour or you can even pay off some of your debts.

People who often default on repayments of loans are called as having bad credit. They face County Court Judgments and even file for bankruptcy. This is recorded in their credit report which in turn influences negatively the credit score. On FICO scale, credit score ranges from 300 to 850 and score below 600 is labeled bad credit considered full of risks for loan offering.

While considering bad credit secured home loan offer, lenders have this luxury of ignoring bad credit. This is made possible because the loan is fully secured. The borrower is required to offer his home as collateral to the lender for giving security of the loan. Collateral works wonders for bad credit people.

One can borrow an amount anywhere in the range of 3000 to 75000 as a bad credit secured home loan for a period of 5 to 30 years. Being secured one the loan comes at lower interest rate as no risk is involved. Here collateral plays deciding role in sealing the deal. In case of greater loan, lenders will go for evaluating equity in collateral. Higher equity in collateral like home enables not only in getting greater loan but at lowered than average interest rate as well. It is advisable that you better borrow an amount that is below the equity.

There are numerous online lenders providing bad credit secured home loan. Apply to them and you get various loan offers of different interest rates to choose from. Online lenders do not charge any loan application or processing fee enabling in lowering cost of the loan.

Bad credit secured home loan, besides meeting financial needs, also goes a long way in improving credit score. So, pay off monthly installments in time to record the positive development in your credit report.

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at BadCreditSecuredLoan with an acumen for finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of wriiting and thoroughly researched datas. To find secured loan, bad credit secured home loan, bad credit secured loan UK, bad credit homeowner loan, bad credit loan visit Blog46392
Ceil Blog6795

For Those With Bad Credit, Dont Fret Check Out These Credit Card Offers

Believe it or not, there is hope for those who have in their history a series of bad credits. The fact of the matter is that there are credit cards out there designed particularly for those who have bad credit. These credit cards are also made for those who do not have perfect credit. It also applies to those who are seeking to have their credit re-established.

The following are credit cards from unsecured and secured offers.

Credit card offer from Bank Premiere MasterCard Gold

This particular credit card offers quick decisions in less than a minute. Believe it or not, purchases made on this credit card is covered in an APR that is low. It also reports to at least four credit major bureaus monthly. Plus, you get to access your account thru the phone anytime and every time of the day, 24/7.

The good thing about this credit card offer is that the user gets to enjoy the privileges of one who has a credit card gold. Again, if you have bad credit do not worry. Applying for this credit card is perfectly okay.

Credit card offer from Bank Orchard MasterCard Platinum

For this credit card offer, one gets to enjoy a truly low APR at 8.9%. Also, the user of this credit card comes with a package full of benefits entitled to a MasterCard Platinum. Believe it or not, due dates for the payment will be left to your own convenient choice. This is a perfect option that would definitely fit your special lifestyle.

Plus, the options for payment are also flexible. There is also a hundred percent liability fraud protection. Take note though that balance transfers are not applicable and if you have bad credit, you are more than welcome to apply.

There is also no fees charged up front. You also get to enjoy the platinum prestige enjoyed by others. This particular credit card reports to at least three bureaus of credit every month, take note that this is a plus for your own credit score.

Also, you as the user can have access to bills payment and access to your account anytime you want to for a hole twenty four hours. Your credit limit also increases periodically.

If you have bad credit, do not be afraid to apply, you will most likely be approved.

Credit card offer from Gold Imagine MasterCard

For this credit card, a minimum three hundred fifty dollars worth of credit line is the minimum amount one could possibly get. One is also eligible to be approved online quickly.

If you have bad credit, relax, this card is made especially for you. this credit card offer reports to three credit bureaus. Plus, your credit line gets to increase regularly. The good thing about this credit card is that it is accepted at a lot of locations all over the world.

Hurry as all credit card applications is actually accepted. Take note that balance transfers are not applicable for this credit card.

Credit card offer from new Millennium Platinum Secured Bank MC or Visa

For this particular credit card, issue is a guarantee. There are no such thing as credit checks and one is most likely to be approved whatever ones credit history or income may be.

All in all, choosing the appropriate credit card for those people with bad credit may not be easy. All you need to remember is find the one that best suits your wants, needs and preferences. Also, choose wisely.

Mario Churchill is a credit card and debt solution professional and runs a website on locating the best credit card offers for your lifestyle. Check it out at Blog30282
April Blog69830

Matthew McConaughey: Two for The Money

Are you addicted to gambling? Is sports betting legal? Sports betting is big business on the internet and there are more gambling websites than ever! Walter Abrams(Al Pacino) and Brandon Lang(Matthew McConaughey) give you a sneak peak into the secret world of sports betting.

Imagine yourself, getting ready to put down a thousand dollars on the team picked to win! The game starts and you can feel the energy as your heart starts to beat faster. You know that thousand could turn into ten thousand! Your hands start to sweat and you feel the rush!

At this point, you know that everything is riding on your team to win. You owe some people a ton of money and the bills are stacking up, but you just can't stop, you know deep inside you have a winner.

Does this sound familiar? Who doesn't like the feeling of winning! Winning a little feels good, but winning an avalanche of cash is an all time high. You feel the draw and pull in your heart to be on top, no matter what the cost. You remember what it was like to win and how everyone around you cheered!

Matthew McConaughey seems to have the odds against him once his leg is injured in a college game. The injury stopped his dreams of going professional and hitting the big time. Years pass by, while he is predicting with crystal ball precision, winning sports scores for a small time 900 number company. Then one day he gets a call from Walter Abrams(Al Pacino) that changes his life.

Matthew McConaughey ends up in the New York fast lane, under the tutelage of sports betting power house Walter Abrams(Al Pacino). Matthew McConaughey consistently picks winners like a machine and becomes the Million Dollar Man.

Hold on to your blood pressure pills, because your adrenaline level will shoot through the roof watching this movie. You will be on edge as you watch Matthew McConaughey rise to the top and then go to the bottom. Do you think he will recover? The answer comes down to flipping a coin and the thrills in this movie give you a roller coaster ride from hell.

You are in the pressure cooker and you are pushing your limits. Your team had better win and your putting all your trust in the world's ultimate gambling power player. Matthew McConaughey and Al Pacino deliver a world class performance. I bet Pete Rose is watching this movie with his fists clenched and hopefully no handcuffs.

How do internet sportsbooks avoid breaking the US law? Apparently, most are located offshore in foreign countries and also house their computer servers there. You can bet someone is making a fortune. Two for The Money is a winner!

If you love the thrill of sports betting, I bet you will love this movie!

DeWayne H. Strickland has been a Film Freak since the time he could walk. He is a webdesigner and crazy movie review critic. Find your favorite movies and the girl of your dreams at: Blog28140
Cairistiona Blog64261

Introduction to UDRP Disputes

The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy is the grandfather of domain name dispute policies, having been approved by ICANN back in October 1999. It governs arbitration proceedings involving the most important gTLDs, including disputes about .com, .net, .org, .biz and .info domains. In addition, some ccTLDs registries have voluntarily adopted the UDRP.

The UDRP was promulgated by ICANN; however, ICANN is not responsible for providing dispute resolution facilities. There are presently four providers accredited fro gTLD disputes: WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, the National Arbitration Forum, the CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution, and the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center. WIPO and NAF handle the vast majority of the cases.

WIPO was the first UDRP accredited provider, and began providing a domain name arbitration service in 1999. Since then has processed more than 22,000 cases. NAF is based in the US, and many of the complainants who use its services are based in North America. It deals with only slightly fewer cases than WIPO.

Procedural rules

Most of the key procedural rules are set out in the UDRP and the Rules for UDRP published by ICANN. Additional detail can be found in the supplemental rules issued by the dispute resolution service providers.

The procedural rules are straightforward. The complainant files a complaint in the requisite form and pays the up-front fees. The fees vary with the choice of provider, number of domain names at issue and the number of panellists chosen, and range between $1300 and $5000+. After the complaint is filed and the fee paid, a block is put on the domain name preventing transfer for the duration of the proceedings.

The respondent's case is set out in its response, which must be filed within 20 days of the date of receipt of the complaint. If no response is received (a common circumstance) the expert is empowered to consider this as a ground to accept the complainant's arguments. In most cases there will be no opportunity for the complainant to reply to the response.

It usually takes less than 2 months between the filing of a UDRP complaint and the issue of a decision. The remedies available are revocation and transfer or the domain name(s) at issue; the remedy will be implemented by the domain registrar. There is no appeal from a panel decision (unlike, for instance, at Nominet); however, the parties to UDRP proceedings are free to bring legal proceedings at any time.

Substantive rules

Paragraph 4(a) contains the basic rules concerning disputes under the UDRP: "You are required to submit to a mandatory administrative proceeding in the event that a third party (a "complainant") asserts to the applicable Provider, in compliance with the Rules of Procedure, that (i) your domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the complainant has rights; and (ii) you have no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name; and (iii) your domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith. In the administrative proceeding, the complainant must prove that each of these three elements are present."

In other words, there are three hurdles for a complainant under the UDRP: he must show that he has rights in a relevant mark, that the respondent has no rights/legitimate interests in the domain, and that the domain was acquired/registered in bad faith.

Rights of complainant

The easiest way to demonstrates rights in a trade mark is through a trade mark registration or, better, a portfolio of registrations. However, UDRP panels can usually be persuaded that a complainant has rights where the complainant can show a reasonable amount of actual use of the mark. The more distinctive the unregistered mark, the easier it will be to prove rights in this way.

The test for confusing similarity involves a comparison between the trade mark and the domain name to determine the likelihood of confusion. The content of the website is irrelevant for this particular purpose.

Rights and legitimate interests of respondent

Paragraph 4(c) of the UDRP concerns rights and legitimate interests: "Any of the following circumstances, in particular but without limitation, if found by the Panel to be proved based on its evaluation of all evidence presented, shall demonstrate your rights or legitimate interests to the domain name for purposes of Paragraph 4(a)(ii): (i) before any notice to you of the dispute, your use of, or demonstrable preparations to use, the domain name or a name corresponding to the domain name in connection with a bona fide offering of goods or services; or (ii) you (as an individual, business, or other organization) have been commonly known by the domain name, even if you have acquired no trademark or service mark rights; or (iii) you are making a legitimate noncommercial or fair use of the domain name, without intent for commercial gain to misleadingly divert consumers or to tarnish the trademark or service mark at issue."

Panellists have not strictly applied the requirement that a complainant prove that the respondent has no rights or legitimate interests in the domain name. As the WIPO guidance says: "while the overall burden of proof rests with the complainant, panels have recognized that this could result in the often impossible task of proving a negative, requiring information that is often primarily within the knowledge of the respondent. Therefore a complainant is required to make out an initial prima facie case that the respondent lacks rights or legitimate interests."

Bad faith

Paragraph 4(c) of the UDRP concerns bad faith: "For the purposes of Paragraph 4(a)(iii), the following circumstances, in particular but without limitation, if found by the Panel to be present, shall be evidence of the registration and use of a domain name in bad faith: (i) circumstances indicating that you have registered or you have acquired the domain name primarily for the purpose of selling, renting, or otherwise transferring the domain name registration to the complainant who is the owner of the trademark or service mark or to a competitor of that complainant, for valuable consideration in excess of your documented out-of-pocket costs directly related to the domain name; or (ii) you have registered the domain name in order to prevent the owner of the trademark or service mark from reflecting the mark in a corresponding domain name, provided that you have engaged in a pattern of such conduct; or (iii) you have registered the domain name primarily for the purpose of disru!
pting the business of a competitor; or (iv) by using the domain name, you have intentionally attempted to attract, for commercial gain, Internet users to your web site or other on-line location, by creating a likelihood of confusion with the complainant's mark as to the source, sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your web site or location or of a product or service on your web site or location."

If a domain name is registered before the date of the establishment of the complainant's trade mark rights, that fact will usually defeat the complaint on the basis that the registration could not have been in bad faith. There are however limited exceptions to this rule. For example, if a third party registration of a domain name consisting of elements of two different companies' names is prompted by rumours of a corporate merger, that may be enough to constitute bad faith, notwithstanding that there may be no registered or unregistered rights in the new name.

Some panels have found that the passive holding of a domain may be enough to justify a finding of bad faith. In particular, where a trade mark is very famous panels have found it difficult to conclude that the registration could possibly have been in good faith, no matter what the domain name has been used (or not used) for.


In terms of usage, the UDRP must be one of the most successful forms of ADR in legal history. The manifold advantages of the procedure over court litigation - in terms of cost, time and ease of enforcement - mean that it (or its successor policy) will remain a key feature of the domain name system for so long as that system is open to abuse.

The system has not however escaped criticism. The most common complaint is that the substantive rules, the methods of selection of dispute resolution providers and/or the methods of selection of panellists constitute a regime which is systematically biased in favour of trade mark owners and against domain registrants.

Hagit-Ben Artzi runs Sequitur IPS a legal consultancy advising and representing clients in domain name disputes and domain name arbitration proceedings (see: Blog55567
Beth Blog35141

Fair Trade Fundamentals

Youre buying coffee. One label says this roasted mountain-fresh Colombian coffee is ideal for all coffee makers. But is it ideal for the coffee beans maker, the farmer? Your choice is empowering. When you choose fair trade, you get more than coffee; you get the opportunity to enrich someones life.

What Is Fair Trade?

Fair trade is an international alternative trading system designed to empower disadvantaged farmers, artisans, and labourers. The movement began 50 years ago when international aid organizations worked to help farmers and labourers in Africa break free from oppressive trading practices. These inequitable trading practices still exist today.

Farmers and artisans in developing countries rely on intermediaries for market information and trade. These middlemen usually pay less than market price and keep the producers trapped in a cycle of poverty. Small-scale farmers cant afford to produce the crop. They cant afford the overhead or their financings interest rates. They abandon their farms, or, in the case of some cocoa producers, they employ unpaid workers, often children.

Through fair trade, farmers and artisans deal directly with members of fair trade organizations, bypassing the middleman and receiving a fair and sustainable wage for their work. According to the Fair Trade Federation, the goal of a member organization is to benefit the artisans they work with, not maximize profits. By reducing the number of middlemen and minimizing overhead costs, FTOs (fair trade organizations) return up to 40 percent of the retail price of an item to the producer. Producers receive a fair wage for their product, children are not exploited, and long-term relationships are encouraged to provide continuity in trading. Fair trade considers the enduring well-being of the person behind the product.

Who Decides Whats Fair?

In Canada, the Fair Trade Certified logo is managed by TransFair Canada, a nonprofit organization that belongs to the international Fairtrade Labeling Organization (FLO). Use of the logo comes with very strict rules and terms, to which all members are bound by contract.

The Canadian Fair Trade Certified logo is applied to product-specific items only, meaning that the product, not the company, is certified as fair trade. On the other hand, the Fair Trade Federation logo identifies the company as a certified member. Two of the largest members in the US are Ten Thousand Villages and SERRV International.

The Fair Trade Federation and FLO monitor their producers and members. They ensure that the playing field of trade is level and fair. For the consumer, these logos assure that the goods are produced in environmentally responsible conditions and that the cultures and communities of the worker are respected and sustained.

Is It Working?

Yes. According to the Fair Trade Federation, sales for Ten Thousand Villages in the US and Canada between 1985 and 1998 increased by nearly $15 million, creating over 12,000 full-time jobs for artisans and farmers.

As more consumers use their purchasing power for social justice, large corporations consider the fair trade alternative. Currently, there are 117 Canadian fair trade licensees, and 44 source countries are registered with the FLO. Todays fair trade products include crafts, coffee, tea, chocolate, soaps, cosmetics, sugar, and fruit. Coming soon are wines, nuts, oils, and more.

A consumer in Canada buys fair trade and a child in Colombia goes to school.

Thats a strong cup of coffee.

Catherine Jones has focused her writing and editing career on health and safety. She is a regular contributor to alive magazine. Visit for related articles.Caye Blog79620
Bernardine Blog70522

For A Southwest Style Bedroom Use Rawhide Lamp Shades

Rawhide lamp shades are what can turn your bedroom into a designed showplace of southwest style. By accessorizing your bedroom with rawhide shades you are infusing the key elements of the decorating process. It is the natural character of rawhide that captures the essence of southwestern design and adds the rustic beauty to your room. With just a few changes to your lamps and lampshades you too will find the warm inviting feel of a southwestern bedroom.

You might be surprised to find how many different types or styles work with southwest design. For example, you might find that you already have all the lamps you need and the addition of rawhide lamp shades makes them work perfectly. By displaying them differently with rustic shades, many lamps can be transformed from traditional to rustic style. Its not so much the lamp as it is the shade that displays the rustic texture you want. Get creative with an old lamp by adding rawhide shades and watch the room come to life.

It is best to match your rawhide lamp shades in your bedroom by color. For southwest style bedroom lighting, a light bleached rawhide shade is the color of choice. Draw your bedroom together with rawhide floor lamp shades that match the shades on your bedside lamps and any table lampshades that you might have in the room. Different heights and diameters of rawhide shades are also very attractive and add an interesting sense of drama to the room.

Lighting is a key element in the bedroom. You will want to bee able to change the mood of the room. For romantic times you may want to use subtle lighting, but you will also want bright lighting for dressing. Most bedrooms are under lighted, or poorly lighted by using one overhead light. This causes a lot of glare and doesnt have the mood creating properties of individual lamps. By using several different lamps in your bedroom, you can create focal points in different areas of the room for different moods, and use higher and lower wattage bulbs to set the right intensity of light. Natural rawhide lamp shades create an ambiance that will coordinate the southwest theme that you want to create.

Weather you use your existing lamps or purchase new rustic lamps for your bedroom, the key to having the correct look in the bedroom is to layer the lighting. In other words, create lighting zones that give you the ability to create areas of light that are suited to a specific function. One great trick to enhance your new or newly created rustic lamps is to use a dimmer switch. Because rawhide lamp shades are a natural product, different lighting moods can be set by allowing more or less light to filter through the rawhide. Another nice idea is to use remote controls, timers and automatic switches to turn light on or off in certain areas.

Bedroom lighting is important and rawhide lamp shades will add a quality of life through a beautiful warm atmosphere that you will enjoy day after day. And along with that also comes the function that allows lighting to serve you better. Lighting affects us on many levels and natural rawhide lamp shades will help you create the harmonious and peaceful bedroom that you need.

You can use lamps with rawhide shades in many locations around your bedroom, beside the bed, on a desk, as floor lamps and indirect lighting. Remember to use separate controls for reading lamps and to place the lamps so the light is projected from behind the reader to eliminate glare and shadowing.

Rawhide lamp shades will work miracles on your rustic bedroom makeover. We have been discussing southwest style, but rawhide shades are also available in dark western hide for ranch or lodge dcor and in unique colors for country dcor. Each type of rawhide has its own special lighting characteristics. So weather you want to lighten your bedroom, darken it, or add rustic color, you will find inspiration in hand crafted rawhide lamp shades.

Craig Chambers is the director of Mission Del Rey, offering authentic Indian hand crafts, rawhide lamp shades, rustic lamps and southwest home furnishing accessories. Learn more at: Blog81146
Celie Blog6066

Today's Personal Care Products - Health and Beauty

Personal care products help us to improve hair, skin, health and fitness. These items can improve are lives and the way in which we live them. These products have come a long way over the years and definitely make our personal hygiene chores a lot easier.

Hair removal products have always been an interest for both men and women. Women want those smooth silkily legs without having to shave with a razor blade everyday. One of the first hair removal products I can remember was nair. Who wears short shorts, commercial ad comes to mind. Nair is a lotion that dissolves the hair.

What sophisticated products do we have today for hair removal? Well for one the electric razors have come a long way. They claim to leave your skin smooth and soft and to give you closest shave ever. I lost track I think we are up to 7 blades now. The ePen is a home electrolysis system which permanently removes unwanted hair. The ePad extra large body pads remove hair quickly and painlessly.

There is also an abundant of products to stop thinning hair. You don't have to join a hair club for men or go to the doctors and pay for hair transplants when there are so many products you can use right at home. There are special shampoos, conditioners, hair brushes and treatment solutions to try. These products claim you will get thicker, fuller and healthier looking hair.

What products do we have that fight signs of aging? A product called frownies gently re-educates the underlying muscles to give you a more relaxed and natural, appearance to help with the removal of wrinkles and frown lines. There is also numerous skin care lotions, creams, and sprays to apply to your skin. Some of these brand products are Youthful Essence, Sheer Cover, Aloette, NuGlow and this is just a real small sample.

Whether you are looking for the soothing relaxation and tension easing experience of a personal massager, or want to get a great looking tan, there are many great products designed to make this all possible in the comfort of your home. These products help to promote wellness in your life and improve your looks!

We all want to feel and look our best. Looking good can also mean feeling good!

TK Healey chief editor for a consumer based website focusing on As Seen On TV products. Visit this page for unique Personal Care Health and Beauty Products.Atlanta Blog57830
Berty Blog7720

Prose vs. Poetry

Prose - a simple word that confuses so many people. What is it exactly? According to

1.the ordinary form of spoken or written language, without metrical structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse.

2.matter-of-fact, commonplace, or dull expression, quality, discourse, etc.

Prose encompasses most of the writing and speaking we engage in today, including what I am writing here. It is everything from novels to blog entries to television/films and everything in between. Prose is simply a fancy literary term used to separate general writing from poetry or verse. (Though, just to confuse you, we do have prose poetry, the halibun and free verse which can muddy any clear distinction.) Prose is typically written in plain language, follows the standard rules of grammar and punctuation and is arranged in paragraphs. It often reflects ordinary speech patterns. In fiction, writers do develop different styles of writing and employ various techniques to add interest for readers, but the writing is still considered prose.

Now that you understand a little about prose, lets discuss poetry. Most people recognize poetry if they see a traditional poem. For instance, writing that has lines similar in length (each starting with a capital letter, of course), is arranged in stanzas, and has rhyme at the end of the lines. Most of us were taught about this type of poetry around the third or fourth grade. But poetry is so much more complex and varied than that simple example. In fact, those few things dont necessarily define poetry at all.

Poetry is much more than just a few basics such as the form in which it is written, some general meter and rhyme. Modern poetry often deviates from traditional poetic form and rules. Poetry presentation has, once again, become somewhat artistic for some poets who write in everything from couplets to verse paragraphs. These lines can also be arranged on a page to enhance the visual appeal of the poem (as in shape poems), to aid in the rhythm of the poem (adding space between words to create longer pauses while reading aloud, for instance) or to add to the meaning or irony of a poem by causing words to appear in specific places. Standard punctuation and capitalization practices are falling by the wayside, as well, for many contemporary poets.

This still has little to do with poetry itself. So, how do we define poetry? I think Iowan, Paul Engle, had the right idea with is explanation: Poetry is ordinary language raised to the Nth power. Poetry is boned with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words. That, to me, is what poetry is, but I would be doing you a disservice if I didnt break it down somewhat. I am not providing definitions, they are easy enough to come by.

Basic Poetic Devices


A quick internet search will provide you with reading material on each of these devices. Some are easier to hone than others, but all are useful if you wish to write interesting poetry verses writing simple poems.

Hopefully the lines between prose and poetry are now a bit clearer than before. Sometime in the future, I will have to address those other pesky fellows I mentioned that muddy the waters between the two. For now, whether you chose to write prose or poetry or both, I wish you the utmost success.

Terry J. Coyier is a 37-year-old college student studying for an Associates of Applied Sciences degree. She is also a freelance writer who writes about a variety of topics. She lives with her son in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. Terry is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers.Brandy Blog82764
Brinn Blog30379

Personal Goals as a University Of Phoenix Student

Personal goals I want to achieve as a University of Phoenix student.

There are many goals I want to achieve as a student of the University of Phoenix. Some of them will be easier to achieve then others, but I will be doing my best to accomplish them all. One of the obvious goals is to achieve the highest grades as possible. Throughout High School this was not a goal for me and I chose not to apply myself and was happy to settle for just any grade. In doing so I missed out on a lot of material I could have been studying and learning about. Settling for any grade also posed a problem when I graduated High School. When I graduated High School and began looking into going to college I found I was limited in the colleges I could apply to. I found I was limited due to the below average grades I received. When I started my Associate Degree my outlook on education completely changed and I was not willing to settle for any grade. I also did everything I could to learn and take away as much information I could from each and everything course. As!

I am starting my Bachelors Degree at the University of Phoenix I still have the mindset of obtaining the highest grades as possible. I feel even stronger about obtaining and maintaining high grades. To achieve this I will stay committed to reading all of the material provided and will complete all assignments to the best of my ability.

Another goal I have is to stay organized in school so I will have free time for friends and family. I have been doing this by listing out everything, which is required for me to do during the school week. I list out the assignments and readings as well as deadline for the material to be completed. I have been able to stay organized this way by doing a little work each day. I find pacing myself has been a big help instead of attempting to do everything all as one and waiting until the last minute. I recently began using my lunch break at work to complete some schoolwork as well. This has been extremely useful as it allows me to spend more time with family and friends since a good portion of my daily schoolwork can be completed. It is very helpful having a good portion of my schoolwork done before I even leave from work.

An additional objective of mine is to be able to assist others during the time I am obtaining my degree, as well as after my degree is obtained. I really enjoy meeting others and assisting people any way I can with issues and problems they may have. Assisting people with their problems is a big part of what I do as a police officer and that is one of the biggest motivators that keeps me in the profession. With the education and experience I am receiving at the University of Phoenix I am able to take the skills and experiences and apply them on a daily basis to assist coworkers as well as members of the public whom I deal with throughout the day. I realize some people are not as fortunate to be able to continue their education and feel those fortunate enough to have been able to continue their education have an obligation to assist others. During my schooling I hope to assist my peers with any problems or questions, which may come up. I have some skills in t!

he area of computers, which may be helpful to those who have no had the opportunity to get behind a computer much.

My final goal is to learn as much from my peers as possible. During my Criminal Justice degree program at the University of Phoenix I will have the opportunity to meet and speak with many different people who are doing the exact same thing I am doing as a police officer. Some people will have less experience and others will have more, but most important everyone learned things from their own experiences. A goal of mine is to learn from each and every one of my peers and to take something from each person. Each person will bring to the table different strengths, which will assist me in my field now and for years to come. I hope in meeting new people it will give me the opportunity to build up many more contacts and recourses in the field. These are a few of the many goals I plan on achieving as a student at the University of Phoenix. With determination and discipline I believe I will be successful in achieving these goals.

Kenneth Tapscott is a Criminal Justice major currently working in the law enforcement field. Beatrisa Blog50509
Britte Blog81146

Five Tips for Buying Toys for Toddlers

Most of us have been there before. You open the mailbox to find a brightly colored invitation to the birthday party of your favorite two year old. You hang the invitation on the refrigerator with great intentions to stop at the toy store after work to buy a great birthday gift. Several weeks later, you realize the party starts in 2 hours and you have yet to get the perfect gift. You jump in the car, race to the toy store, and run inside. Suddenly, you are surrounded by a sea of remarkable toys and start to panic! Take a deep breath and slow down for just a minute. These five tips will help you choose the perfect educational toy and get to the party in time.

First, be sure to buy a toy that is for a toddler. Sure, their parents may tell you that their child is so advanced, that they should be in third grade by now. But lets face it; you should buy a toy thats fit for a two year old. Otherwise, the child may not be interested in it, and end up just playing with the box. Also, it is important that they toy is in the right age range for the child to make sure it is safe. Little hands and mouths are not safe around toys with little detachable parts. Most toy stores arrange their products by corresponding age ranges, so head straight to the section designed for the child you have in mind.

Next, think about choosing a gift that allows parents to interact with their child to build skills important for later academic success. It is important for toddlers to be exposed to letters, letter sounds, and numbers. Look for brightly colored blocks, oversized flashcards, or puzzles with letters and numbers that may also have a tactile component like a fuzzy duck or shiny moon. Some phonological based toys also talk or sing to children. Parents always enjoy helping their child explore and create with oversized paper and crayons, or clay.

Third, to please both parent and child, shop around for great toddler books. Books made especially for toddlers are typically ones made from thick cardboard. They may have pop-up characters, animals with fur that kids can pet, and flowers with a scratch-and-sniff scent. It is important for parents to read to their children to introduce them to language and ideas, and also to instill a sense that reading and learning are important. Books also provide great bonding moments between parents and children.

Next, remember not to overdo it. Sure, it is tempting to try and pick out the biggest and best gift that will be at the party. It is always flattering when the birthday boy or girl latches on to the gift you presented, and barely lets go long enough to finishing opening the rest! But, the size of the gift and the amount of money you spend is not as important as the impact that your gift may have on that particular child. Choose something that will stimulate their minds and spur their development.

Last but not least, think creatively when shopping for educational toys for toddlers. Maybe you could try a plant that they can learn to love, water, and care for, along with their very first watering can. Or perhaps they would enjoy a wardrobe of dress-up clothes, so they can pretend to be a soldier, astronaut, or athlete.

When you are racing through the toy store on the way to another great birthday party, remember to choose a stimulating and creative toy that is age appropriate for your little friend. Just dont forget to grab some wrapping paper on the way to the cash register.

Mark Easterday is the Director of Marketing for Educational Toys & Puzzles. Educational Toys & Puzzles carries a complete line of educational and wooden toys that promote cognitive, motor and creative skills in children. For more information about Educational Toys & Puzzles please visit Bunny Blog81557
Ceil Blog6795

Watch Satellite TV On Computer Why Restrict To the TV?

It is possible and practical to watch satellite TV on computer with a fine quality PC and internet connection nowadays. There are literally thousands of satellite TV channels available to anyone through the computer and all one needs is the right piece of software to achieve that. Since this is so, everyone really does not need to restrict watching of satellite TV only to the TV set.

What PC satellite TV software can do is amazing as technology once again break new barriers. With the proper TV software package, it allows your computer to receive thousands of worldwide channels so that you can watch satellite TV on computer instead of the TV. In other words, you no longer are restricted and confined to the channels that your local satellite TV service provider gives to you in your TV package. Every satellite TV program you watch on your computer is delivered directly through your internet connection. As such, the number of channels available perpetually grows all the time.

But you may be interested to know what kind of satellite TV programs one can watch on their PCs should they choose to watch satellite TV on computer using PC satellite TV software. Since the exposure is worldwide, a person can be watching movies, news, LIVE games, sports events, music videos, TV series, educational and other entertainment programs from satellite TV stations in different countries like Australia, US, UK, Canada, Hong Kong, France, etc. Kids would be busy watching interesting discovery channels and kids cartoons especially during the holidays.

There are however things you need to prepare concerning your PC requirements in order for you to watch satellite TV on computer. For a start, you should ensure that your internet connection runs at 56k minimum. Anything lower than this means that you would not get maximum enjoyment out of your satellite TV viewing. TV picture and sound quality would be compromised. So go for broadband connection if you can afford to as you can then watch satellite TV on computer and really have a pleasurable experience.

Besides being able to watch numerous programs, the one major benefit to any satellite TV viewer is the cost savings. Compared to traditional satellite TV packages, the only cost involved to watch satellite TV on computer is the cost of the software. It is a one-time affair and you need not fork out any monthly fees to continue using it, unlike using conventional satellite TV providers. Once you pay and download the software, you can watch satellite TV on computer for free as long as you wish. Also, even if you want to watch some special channels like LIVE soccer or F1 sports, you need not pay any additional fee. So really, cost savings is one big factor that is driving more people to use PC satellite TV to watch satellite TV on PC.

Here is a quick tip for you if you intend to watch satellite TV on computer. Perhaps you are thinking of making an investment in this PC satellite TV software, but before that, please check if you have an existing contract with your service provider. Make sure that the termination does not carry any penalty so that you can have a peace of mind. Read more about this PC satellite TV software, its functions, etc at my TV blog before you make the choice to watch satellite TV on computer.

Davion Wong is a successful webmaster, author and fan of TV shows. Discover how you can instantly watch satellite TV on PC, tuning into hundreds of LIVE world channels of news, movies, music and kids program at Blog34758
Catina Blog64750

How To Sell Your House Quickly

A growing number of investors and buyers have become more sophisticated and demand a higher level of quality from potential house purchases. This is especially true in a declining market, where a greater number of houses become available, ultimately taking longer to sell and thus creating a buyers market.

The aim of this guide is to help you sell your home quickly irrespective of a growing or declining market. The key to selling quickly is to get into the mindset of the buyer and ensure that your house will live up to their expectations. At every stage of the viewing, you will be attempting to appeal to their sense of sight, smell, sound, touch and overall feeling of homeliness.

Selling a house has become an art form and this guide will help you understand some of the simple concepts you can apply to greatly increase your chances of selling your home faster. Each concept will help you achieve the right 'feel' for the buyer. You will need to spend time and money in raising the level of upkeep within your home to obtain the best price and achieve a quick sale.

Research your area

You need to assess how well your house looks in comparison to the neighbours and the best kept houses in your street including neighbouring areas. Make a list of salient points where your house fails to meet the standards set by the more desirable neighbouring houses. This will prove to be a prominent starting point in improving your 'kerb' appeal.

Kerb appeal

The front of the house will always make a strong statement about how the remainder of the house has been maintained. So it's vital to get this right.


Sweep up the kerb in front of your house on a regular basis so that it's always kept free of any litter, especially before a viewing.

Wall or fence

Remove moss or weeds that grow on or around a wall or fence. If necessary, repaint, stain or revarnish to give a new clean look. Also repair any problem areas so they are in good condition. Ensure that any gates open and close securely, oil hinges and latches well to avoid any annoying squeaking noises.

Path or drive

Remove litter from the path or drive. Keep the area well swept especially during the autumn months due to falling leaves. Remove any weeds or moss that may have grown and ideally use a power washer to create a clean and brighter path or drive.

Lawned gardens

If you have a lawned garden, then ensure that it's mowed regularly especially during the spring and summer months. Remove weeds and litter from the lawn and borders. Tidy up overgrown trees, bushes and hedges by trimming them down. This may help to allow more light in through the windows.

Gravelled or pebbled areas

Remove litter and weeds growing through and ensure an even surface by raking.

In general, repair or replace anything that is broken and repaint, stain or revarnish any areas that look worn or tired. Remove any rubbish that will distract the buyer and keep the gardens well maintained. If you have a 'For Sale' board then ensure that it's clean, tidy and visible from the road.

Front of the house

This will be the first area a potential buyer will study and will form an immediate judgement regarding the condition of the rest of the house. So it's very important to get this right. The front of the house needs to be appealing, well appointed and welcoming otherwise you will loose a potential sale before ever meeting the potential buyer.


Ensure there are no loose or missing tiles and make sure that the lead flashing is tidy and free from damage.


Clean debris from all the guttering and repair any damaged sections. Repaint metal guttering if necessary.


Re-point areas of damaged mortar otherwise the buyer may suspect damp problems to the internal walls.

Painting is a great way to help conceal repaired areas and give a clean look to the outside surface. Avoid bright colours. Use a light cream or magnolia to the main areas and white to any features such as areas above and below windows.

Front doors and windows

Clean all windows and windowsills. Repair any broken glass or frames. Make sure the front door works properly with an emphasis on security and ensure that it's clean. Paint, stain or varnish if necessary. Clean all the door furniture i.e. handles, knockers, letterboxes and house numbers. Oil all hinges if necessary. Again, keep all areas clean and free of litter.


Keep all areas around the garage door clean and free from debris, make sure that they open and close properly. Repaint, stain or revarnish paintwork that may be flaky or peeling.

Inside the house

Now you have completed the first stage of creating the 'right' impression by improving the front of your house, it is imperative you now replicate this process throughout the rest of the viewing. There are some general concepts that you need to bear in mind that relate to the whole of the house inside or out.


Throughout the months or years in a home, the collection of personal items grow at an alarming rate. Remember that when you're selling your home, you're attempting to show the buyer that it's a place they can call home. The only way to do this is by making rooms clutter free. Remove any items of furniture that you do not want. Remove or store away all items that will distract the buyer. Less is creatively more. Allow the buyer to imagine that the space will become home to their ornaments and furniture. You can store your clutter in temporary storage facilities. This will cost money but can greatly improve the chances of selling your home quickly.

Cleanliness is next to godliness

No one wants to view a house that is untidy and dirty. Clean and polish all surfaces that collect dust. Remove and store away any personal items that detract from the presentation. Avoid the tired lived in look where possible. Keep all carpets well vacuumed and floors polished (tiles, laminate or wooden flooring) tidy and swept clean. Replace any worn carpets.

Colour schemes

Your existing colour schemes are a reflection of your taste and could put off potential buyers who may have their own ideas. The best way to tackle this is to neutralise the overall colour scheme throughout the house creating a blank canvass. This will make it easier for the buyer to imagine their own colour schemes and give an added advantage of a spacious feeling. Cream, white, magnolia and beiges are a great way to neutralise a colour scheme. If paintwork needs to be freshened up then redecorate where necessary.


Well placed potted plants and flowers can make every room warm, bright and welcoming. They cost very little and brighten any dark corner of a house.


Ensure that all lights work and replace any bulbs that are blown. It may be advantageous to keep all the lights on when showing a potential buyer around helping to give a light and spacious feel. Use the highest wattage bulbs for maximum effect.


The use of fresh flowers or scents throughout the house will enhance the viewing experience for the buyer. The smell of freshly brewed coffee or baked bread gives a warm homely feeling. Whatever your taste in fragrances you must remove any lingering odours of food, pets and smoking. This is especially important in the kitchen and bathroom where all work surfaces and tiles should be disinfected.

Window dressing

Ensure that all curtains and blinds are dust free, clean and work properly. Replace them if necessary as they frame a window and will influence the 'look' of a room

Entrance Hall

This important reception area of the house needs to feel welcoming. Keep it as spacious as possible and remove any letters or newspapers that may have come through the letterbox. Place a new welcome mat by the door to stop the dirt being walked through the house. Put all loose footwear in racks or away from sight. Place coats and scarves on hooks and not draped over the stairs or banister. A well-placed mirror will also make a small hallway feel spacious and will add interest to any hallway.

Living room

Remove all large or striking items, photos and ornaments that may reflect your own personality or lifestyle as this will detract from the viewing. Arrange furniture to give the most open and spacious feeling removing any obstructions that could get in the way of the viewing.

Dining room

Use a clean or new dining table cloth or table runner. Ensure that seat covers are clean and tidy. Create a centre piece on the dining table with a plant or flowers, thus creating an interesting focal point to the room.


This is one of the major rooms in the house that determine a successful sale of a home. It is important to get this room right, replace or repair broken worktops, replacing the doors on wall and base units with a modern style. If any appliances are kept on the worktop then make sure they are clean, keeping all tiled areas spotless ensuring all grouting is dirt free. Keep the sink clean, disinfected and tidy and free from dirty dishes. If you have a combi-boiler in the kitchen then box in all pipework.


Keep all personal toiletries and cleaning materials stored out of view. Ensure all the surfaces are sanitised especially the taps, toilet, sink and bath. Replace the shower curtain if necessary and adorn the room with fresh towels, small potted plants or flowers, candles and glass bottles.


Characterising a bedroom is important. The bedroom is used for relaxing, unwinding, sleeping or even romancing and the look and feel should reflect this. To portray the idea that it's also used for watching TV or for working would give the impression that there is not enough room provided throughout the rest of the house. Store or lock away all items like TVs, entertainment systems, computers, work desks, fax machines etc. Keep the room tidy and free from clutter, this is very important in the bedroom as more space that is created the greater the feeling of spaciousness. Never leave clothing lying on the bed or hanging over the back of a chair as this also gives the impression of untidiness and a lack of storage space. Remove storage boxes or suitcases from view keeping everything stored away in cupboards, loft or shed. If the bedding looks worn then replace with new. Introduce fresh flowers or candles as they will add to the calming effect in the bedroom.

Spare rooms

Every room must have a function. If you have a spare room then define it's purpose. A spare room upstairs needs to be identified as a spare bedroom for guests, nursery or playroom, a study or office. A spare room downstairs can be interpreted as a utility room, washroom, study or office. Add furniture if necessary to help define the use of the room.

Back Gardens

Apply the same points as dealt with in the lawned, gravelled and pebbles areas. Add outdoor lighting that comes in useful during evening or winter months viewing. If you don't already have one, a shed is useful for storing household or garden items. Outdoor furniture increases the usability of the garden and is essential if space allows. All outdoor furniture should be kept clean, tidy and in good working order.


Ensure that all the windows and doors are clean both inside and out, making sure that the blinds are working and dust free. All furniture should be arranged to allow for maximum floor space using potted plants and fresh flowers to help bring a sense of colour to the conservatory.

Certificates & Receipts

If you have recently had major work done to the house then its imperative to keep certificates or receipts handy to show prospective buyers. This could include structural repairs, double-glazing, central heating, roof repairs etc. Many buyers who wish to purchase your property for renting purposes often ask for NICEIC certificates for electrical installations and CORGI certificates for gas installations.


This guide has been compiled to give you a glimpse into areas that need particular attention when selling your house. You will need to spend time and money throughout each area in preparation of selling your house quickly. It will give you an added advantage over similar houses for sale in your area by creating a 'WOW factor'.

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